Morning drives in July are simply breathtaking. The air is crisp, the sunrise is a hue of pinks and oranges, and the sightings are fantastic. It really is one of the more magical times to be on safari at Nambiti Private Game Reserve.
Three sub-adult lions from the southern pride paid us a visit at the lodge this month. As I drove out of the lodge for my afternoon safari one of the lionesses was stalking a warthog on our access road. The young male was a little too eager and he ended up chasing it further into the lodge. At one point they were making their way up the road towards the Curio Shop!
The elephant herd welcomed another calf into the family this month. We had noticed them all standing together in a dense area of woodland, and we suspected that the pregnant female was preparing to give birth. Catching a glimpse of the newcomer is not an easy task as they are very protective of the little one, but it is every bit worth the wait when you do get to see it.
In other elephant news, we said goodbye to two young bulls that were translocated out of Nambiti. By removing two of our bull elephants, we were able to make space for two new bulls from Tembe Elephant Park. Reserve management had to consider the genetic diversity within our herd, and it was time to mix things up. I was fortunate enough to be there when the truck arrived to offload the new pachyderms, it was an auspicious occasion that I will always remember.

While I would consider the morning drives to be more appealing in the winter months, there are a few good reasons to be out after dark. One species in particular has been creating quite a stir, the aardvark. This elusive, nocturnal mammal has been a highlight for many guests and guides alike. They feed mainly on termites and ants, and their preferred habitat is influenced largely by the soil in which they build their burrows. We have discovered one individual that seems quite relaxed around the vehicles!
With the second half of the year well on its way, we are all looking forward to new guests and return guests visiting us to create their own safari memories.
Head Guide Noleen Turner