Elephants at the dam, Lions on the hunt, and Bush Breakfast is nearly served!
Two of the most popular Big 5 species have certainly stolen the limelight in the month of May. Guests who have joined me personally on safari may say that I am biassed as the two contenders happen to be my favourites here at Nambiti, but I will let you be the judge!
Our elephants spoiled us rotten for most of May by spending time in the south. One of their more memorable sightings took place at one of the dams. The herd moved down towards the water and proceeded to drink and splash for a good few minutes. They also visited us at Umzolozolo on a few occasions. Guests thoroughly enjoyed watching them from the deck at the lodge while they tucked into breakfast. The young bulls could be seen pushing each other and testing their skills in combat, while the newest family members continued to explore their environment and hone their trunk skills.

It wasn’t only the pachyderms that popped in for a visit at the lodge. Our southern lionesses and the two dominant male lions ventured down into the south a few times in May, and on one occasion they took a breather on our access road. These big cats are always a treat to see, but the moment is made more special when they stroll onto our lodge grounds and spend a few minutes in our backyard.

One morning game drive, we explored the northern plains while following up on an earlier update regarding the northern lion pride. Details were getting older by the minute, but we pressed on and arrived at a fork in the road. It was then that one of my guests spotted the sub-adult lioness to the left of our cruiser. It became clear that she was in hunt mode, and the scene shifted without warning. Squeals filled the air and we followed the sounds and found a few more pride members. There, a few metres off the road, was a sub-adult male lion with the unfortunate warthog victim fighting for its life. I was soon joined by my colleague, Lymon, and we continued to watch the savage situation play out. The squeals turned to a gargle and then there was only the sound of the feasting. Wow, what an incredible sighting!
Things are happening quickly down at our dam where the bush breakfast hut is being completed. The structure is almost done, and the furniture is being designed and built. It won’t be long before we are entertaining guests at the new site. Maybe it will be you!

Head Guide Noleen Turner